Grace & Peace!
Welcome to the SWAT Singles Ministry of Faith
Thank you for visiting our ministry webpage
- Elder Cynthia Frazier, Elder of SWAT Singles Ministry
Elder Cynthia Frazier, Elder
Sister Chasity Cannon, Servant Leader
Upcoming Events
The Singles With A Testimony Singles Ministry hosts quarterly sessions and activities. Please see Elder Cynthia Frazier or Sister Chasity Cannon for more information.
Please see the gallery of upcoming events.
Ministry Gallery
Singles With a Testimony - Singles Ministry of Faith
Elder Cynthia Frazier, Elder
Sister Chasity Cannon, Servant Leader
Ministry Scripture
For the Kingdom of God is not just a lot of talk it is living by God's power.
1 Corinthians 4:20 New Living Translation
The SWAT Ministry is a fellowship of Christian Singles of all ages, dedicated to victorious living, empowerment, and change while optimizing life's challenges and opportunities.
Ministry Mission Statement
There is a place for every member of the singles ministry to be empowered and nurtured to fulfill their God-given potential (purpose).